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The next film is "My Life is My Testament" which brings to screen the lives of Murray and Duane, a homosexual couple raising two adopted sons, Julian and Justin, in a household that has an old-fashioned and traditional feel including church mass, boyscouts' honour, and lots of love.

Unfortunately for this family, in the week of June 25th in Winnipeg, Canada the 2007 Anglican Church synod (conference) met and decided by a narrow margin to NOT allow a blessing of same-sex unions. This decision has put into jeopardy the unity of the Anglican Church and has affected Gays and Lesbians all over the world.

As the issue of equality for gays and lesbians in the Anglican Church hangs over their heads, Duane, Murray, Julian, and Justin continue to worship and benefit from their connection to an open religious community.

Every member of this traditional/alternative family has had major obstacles to overcome, Murray and Duane as homosexuals and Justin and Julian as children with learning disabilities coming out of foster care. The Church has played a major role in all of their lives. And, for now, the uncertainty of the future of the Anglican Church does not stop them from worshipping in God's house as God has made them.

This is a story of one family, living their lives, dealing with challenges and actively participating in church and Boy Scouts outside of the national and international politics.

Prejudice is fueled by ignorance and a fear of the unknown. Meet this one of a kind family and decide for yourself whether these gay men should be refused their right to children, church, or boyscouts organization just like it happens in many countries around the globe.

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Interfilm Productions